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Private TeamSpeak server

For a pretty long time I have been running a personal TeamSpeak server on my home server. I don't have it advertised anywhere and since my wife and I haven't played with any of our friends for well over a month it hasn't been used or so I thought. Well yesterday we wanted to talk to a friend and we had plans for all 3 of us to meet up on our TS server. When my wife and I logged in there were 4 strangers using our TS server. It made me kinda cranky and after my wife had played some loud music at them for a few I shut down the server and put on a default password. Now if people had just been nice and asked me if they could use my TS server or something I wouldn't have complained at all. I might even have created a public or private one for them since I have a 100/50 Mbit fiber optic connection and therefore ain't worried about bandwidth problems. For the time being I think my TS server will have a default password.


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