Oops I did it again
Sunday I was gonna go do the 13.3 km run through Dyrehaven known as Eremitageløbet. The race starts a 11:00 but since I live out in BFD (bum f... Denmark) I got up at 7 am to be able to be on the train at 8:23. Well of course the train from Copenhagen to Kalundborg was late which made the train from Kalundborg to Copenhagen late due to there only being one track between Kalundborg and Holbæk. Well I was at our local train station (Svebølle) at 8:15 and I got my ticket at all was good. That the train was 7 min late coming to my station was no biggie (I thought I had plenty of time). My planned arrival at Klampenborg station was 10:25 so even if I was a little late for my connecting train in Copenhagen I should still have plenty of time to catch the next one and have time to get there before the race start. Well the train ride went smoothly until we got to Regstrup where the train operator announced in the speakers that we would have to wait 7-8 min before leaving due to another late train (funny how one late train makes all the other trains late as well even though they can pass each other at the stations). Well after about 10 min and us not moving he announced that the train before us had broken down on Holbæk station and there was no way of knowing when we could leave. Then the ticket guy came running through the train asking everyone where they were going (at this point I had called my wife and she was getting the kids in the car to come pick me up). After 5 min wait more the train operator announced that we would go to Holbæk and couple to the train in front and we would be on our way. Once we had gotten moving he announced that coupling up to the train in front would take 20-25 min. Well we finally made it to Holbæk station about 30 min late I am guessing. I got off there and waited for my wife to pick me up. When she picked me up at 9:50 or so the train still had not left Holbæk (about 1 hour after it was originally supposed to leave Holbæk station). My wife kindly drove me up to my run, I was there 10 min before my group started.
So DSB. I have used you 2 times within the past 8 months or so. Last time you made me sit and wait on Odense station for an hour and this time you made me have to get my wife to come pick me up. I have filed my request for compensation but I am sure you are going to deny it so that not only will I have wasted DKK 121,- on a train ticket that didn't get me to my destination but I will also have wasted the money on an envelop and a stamp to send in my request. I can't honestly believe I was once again stupid enough to think that DSB as a company would be able to get me where I needed to go on time. I think a 30 year old Trabant is more reliable than your trains and I know for a fact that both of our cars are. Thank you once again for nothing. I hope it will take me at least a year before I am stupid enough to try traveling with your crap trains again.