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Been a long time since my last post

So a lot has happened since my last post on this blog. - I quit my job at Danske Bank - I moved to Charlotte, North Carolina - I got a new job as a contractor with Wells Fargo Securities - I have sold my old Ford Focus station wagon (well my uncle Finn sold it for me) - I have bought a brand new VW Golf R - I had to give up on AT&T and my Nokia N9 (damn I miss that phone) - I replaced it with a Samsung Galaxy S3 (nice phone but not half as cool as my N9) Life is good in the US but of course I miss Denmark too. - I miss being able to wear jeans and a tshirt to work - I miss the weather (it is not supposed to be 23 degrees celcius in January) - I miss seeing snow - I miss being able to say whatever I want (my son got in trouble at school for saying "that sucks") - I miss Danish politics but at least I don't have to worry about what I am going to vote - I miss Danish driving rules (damn I hate all those friggin stop signs over here) - I miss my family. I miss being able to call them whenever I think of it, now I have to factor in time difference and crap - I miss my friends - I miss speaking Danish I do like it here but I am Danish and I believe I will always be Danish no matter how long I live in the US.


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