Happy new year to the few people who actually drops by here. I hope you will have a just as exciting 2010 as I will. I am looking forward to starting my new job on Monday and of course I am looking forward to the arrival of "Fenris" in February.
Godt Nytår!!
Finally I had recovered enough from my encounter with first a cold and then the flu to do a run. It was about -6 degrees Celsius but very little wind but the road and sidewalks hadn't been cleaned very well so it was very rough. I am looking to get my but back in shape and hopefully I can get ready for at least a half a marathon in the spring.
Distance: 5.32 km
Time: 00:32:18
Average speed: 06:04 min/km
Average heart rate: 182 bpm
I hope I am ready for another run Tuesday.