So I finally participated in my first real trail run on April 20th 2013
Leatherwood Mountains Ultra Run. Friday was a very rainy day and I was really hoping for good weather on Saturday and I couldn't have asked for better weather. It wasn't too windy, it did not rain and it was neither too hot nor too cold, it was just perfect.
We lined up shortly before 9am and since this was my first trail run I started in the back of the pack not really knowing what to expect. However I quickly found that I was faster than that, but when we hit the real one track trail there was little I could do and I had to stay behind people until it was convenient to pass. After about 4 miles or so I had advanced past most of the people that were slower than me and I was joined by Michelle. We ran/trudged up and down the mountain while talking/chatting/cussing. It was my first social experience during a run. During most road races I am focused on my running and so is everyone else around my pace so if we exchange words they are few and far between.
I finished my first 10 miler and with a total elevation gain of somewhere between 2000 and 3000 feet (Garmin Connect is not 100% precise when it comes to elevation) it was definitely the toughest run I have ever done. This is also reinforced by the fact that it took me 2h 9m 23s which is the longest run (time-wise) I have ever done. That being said I am hooked on the trails. I am hoping to do the 50k out at US National Whitewater Center in October.
So I have finally started getting some runs in in my
Vibram FiveFingers KSO Trek. I try running like 3 times a week and I have finally been up to around 4k. Far from what I used to run but for some reason running in them is just more fun. I still get somewhat sore in my calves but I can't wait until my body is ready for a real trail run in the woods near by.
Now in my roaming the Internet today I stumbled on
Luna Sandals and I think they look so cool. I really want a pair but now my wife basically told me to put down the crack pipe and get back to reality. This one is going to take some convincing.
My last post was about how I had a good bike ride in the wind. The following day I had a very nice run but I could feel some tired mmuscles following the bike ride. It was rather windy on the run as well but I had a good run anyways.
(Sunday April 11th)
Distance: 5.32 km
Time: 00:27:23
Average speed: 05:08 min/km
Average heart rate: 176 bpm
Wednesday I got in another bike ride and I managed to bump up the distance a little. It was still rather windy but I had a very nice ride anyways. I do get sore while riding but usually there isn't much left the following day.
(Wednesday April 14th)
Distance: 27.04 km
Time: 01:03:46
Average speed: 25.4 km/h
Average heart rate: 159 bpm
Yesterday I got in another run. Still just my standard run of a little more than 5k but it went well. I didn't get to complete the entire run up the final run into Viskinge as my son came running to meet me. Another day with some wind, I guess it is just that time of year!
(Saturday April 18th)
Distance: 5.25 km
Time: 00:27:56
Average speed: 05:19 min/km
Average heart rate: 174 bpm
Yesterday I got my bike ready and took my first ride of the season. It was a very windy day and I only took a short ride. Just as I expected it totally kicked my ass and the wind certainly didn't make it any easier. Besides the wind it was a little chilly but once I got going I didn't think too much about that. I hope to get some good rides in soon and get my butt in good riding shape over the summer.
Distance: 21.64 km
Time: 00:54:24
Average speed: 23.9 km/h
Average heart rate: 161 bpm
Comparing the stats to the ride I did August 29th of last year I have gotten good and well out of biking shape. I hope some good training will get it back fast.
I finally got on my running shoes to go for a run in nature. For the past 4 weeks or so I have been trying to use the gym at work a couple of times a week. I have had good use of the rowing machine and the treadmill but neither can make up for or prepare you to run up and down hills, the wind and so on. Besides running on the treadmill is about the most boring form of exercise I can possibly imagine.
Well back to my run yesterday. It was very windy and I thought I would end up with a very poor time but at least the sun was out. I am still trying to get back into shape after a long winter with the flu and various colds. Starting a new job and the arrival of our second son has not made it easy to get the right amount of exercise in. The run went very well and I overall ran faster than I had expected I would.
Distance: 5.33 km
Time: 00:27:17
Average speed: 05:07 min/km
Average heart rate: 180 bpm
Well I need to get some stuff ordered so I can get my bike ready to take it out for a ride. Hopefully that will be next weekend but who knows if that will go according to plan.
Finally I had recovered enough from my encounter with first a cold and then the flu to do a run. It was about -6 degrees Celsius but very little wind but the road and sidewalks hadn't been cleaned very well so it was very rough. I am looking to get my but back in shape and hopefully I can get ready for at least a half a marathon in the spring.
Distance: 5.32 km
Time: 00:32:18
Average speed: 06:04 min/km
Average heart rate: 182 bpm
I hope I am ready for another run Tuesday.
Life has been somewhat busy that past month. I really though it would all slow down after handing in my thesis but then there was the thesis defense and finally I had to do a 27 hour work day from Sunday at 10am to Monday at 1pm because of some problems at work.
Today I got to do a run with a coworker. It went really smooth even though we weren't super fast or anything it was really nice. It was cold this morning (just around freezing) but no wind or anything to make it miserable. Now I just hope I can get in a good run this weekend, preferably a 10k or more.
Distance: 6.59 km
Time: 00h:35m:33s
Average speed: 05:23 min/km
Average heart rate: 177 bpm
Here are some links to the few other runs I did this month.
I really need to get back to running some more. Now that I start full time at work on Monday it will hopefully help me get out at least 2 times a week.
I finished Eremitageløbet 2009 and did a good bit better than last year. That being said I wish I could have performed better but that will have to wait until next year. The past couple of moths I have not focused on running but on my thesis. Hopefully I can fit in more training for next year.
Distance: 13.21 km
Time: 1h:09m:31s
Average speed: 05:15 min/km
Average heart rate: 181 bpm
The official distance of the run is 13.3 km.
Today I got it right and started out slow but then it was almost too slow and my second km was over 6 min. I actually struggled with getting my speed up and I was generally a little slower per km that I wanted to be. But I got my heart rate up to 194 at the 8km mark (which is at the top of a rather long incline) and then it was time to slow down again. There was a little wind but not too much and it was overcast but no rain so generally I can't complain for it being a late September day here in Denmark.
I had no problems with my knee or any other body parts today so I think I can consider myself as ready as I will be for Sunday October 4th. I just hope I will have my thesis ready so I can go run.
Distance: 10.68 km
Time: 58m:26s
Average speed: 05:28 min/km
Average heart rate: 173 bpm
It had been a while since I last did a longer run so I decided it was time for one. If I want to be able to do a decent run on October 4th this year I need to know that I can handle the 13.3km. The run started out very rough due to the wind. I had decided to start out easy and try to do a progressive run but that proved to be impossible. For the first 4km or so I struggled against the wind a lot and since that part of the route also has quite a few hills it drove my heart rate up. I decided to just push through since one more or less progressive run is not going to make a difference over the next 2 weeks. The 5km in the middle of the run were very good and luckily the last 2 km which was also against the wind has a lot more trees to provide shelter from the wind. I felt some slight annoyance in my left knee again but nothing serious. I am pretty sure is it just the stress from getting tired fast and then the up and down hill running.
Distance: 11.04 km
Time: 59m:37s
Average speed: 05:23 min/km
Average heart rate: 180 bpm
I decided to combine picking up Twig from daycare with some exercise. (he was at a different daycare since the daycare mom he usually goes to was ill). I got some funny looks from people during the first about 2km running down to pick him up. I guess it is not everyday people see someone running around with an empty jogger. Maybe they thought I had forgotten or lost the child. Once there I got him strapped into the jogger and we went the longer way home. It was a good run with little wind and the sun was out. If his regular daycare wasn't so far away I would do this more often.
Distance: 5.75 km
Time: 28m:19s
Average speed: 04:55 min/km
Average heart rate: 176 bpm
My first attempt at this new training form went fairly well.I struggled for the first 2 km with keeping my speed down, maybe that is a sign that I need to start at a slightly higher speed. There was a little wind today but nothing to really worry about, the sun was out and it was just overall a nice day for a run.
Distance: 10.63 km
Time: 57m:46s
Average speed: 05:26 min/km
Average heart rate: 173 bpm
Next week I hope to attempt this again but try to start out a 5:30 and have my fastest lap around 4:30. We'll see how that works out.
So the day arrived for the run we all trained for at work. My goal was to get under 25min on the 5k and I managed to do that with a good margin. My time is actually from I was handed the baton until I handed it off again which is probably why the distance it slightly off. It was very windy yesterday but it didn't really cause any problems in town. My max heart rate was 195 and my average heart rate on the last kilometer was 194 so I think I pushed myself close to my max.
Distance: 5.09 km
Time: 23m:56s
Average speed: 04:42 min/km
Average heart rate: 185 bpm
Hopefully I will have some more time to do some interval, progression and other types of training that will help improve my time on runs like this one. I would like to see a time around 22min next year..... we'll see if that is possible.
Today was a very windy day or at least it felt that way. It was very hard and I couldn't quite maintain the speed I would have liked but besides that it was a good run. It was warm and sunny so not a bad day at all.
Distance: 5.33 km
Time: 27m:51s
Average speed: 05:13 min/km
Average heart rate: 178 bpm
I hope this is enough to do a good run on Friday at DHL stafetten.
Many of my exercise entries mention that it was a windy day, I wonder if I would have really noticed the wind if it hadn't been for me exercising in it. Well today was another windy day and it somewhat kicked my ass but I enjoy a challenging ride. Besides the wind there was no complaints at all. The ride wasn't as long as I would have liked since we had a family party to attend to.
Distance: 31.68 km
Time: 01h:08m:57s
Average speed: 27.6 km/h
Average heart rate: 152 bpm