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Long run in preparation for Eremitageløbet.

It had been a while since I last did a longer run so I decided it was time for one. If I want to be able to do a decent run on October 4th this year I need to know that I can handle the 13.3km. The run started out very rough due to the wind. I had decided to start out easy and try to do a progressive run but that proved to be impossible. For the first 4km or so I struggled against the wind a lot and since that part of the route also has quite a few hills it drove my heart rate up. I decided to just push through since one more or less progressive run is not going to make a difference over the next 2 weeks. The 5km in the middle of the run were very good and luckily the last 2 km which was also against the wind has a lot more trees to provide shelter from the wind. I felt some slight annoyance in my left knee again but nothing serious. I am pretty sure is it just the stress from getting tired fast and then the up and down hill running. Distance: 11.04 km Time: 59m:37s Average speed: 05:23 min/km Average heart rate: 180 bpm URL:


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