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Light progressive run

Today I got it right and started out slow but then it was almost too slow and my second km was over 6 min. I actually struggled with getting my speed up and I was generally a little slower per km that I wanted to be. But I got my heart rate up to 194 at the 8km mark (which is at the top of a rather long incline) and then it was time to slow down again. There was a little wind but not too much and it was overcast but no rain so generally I can't complain for it being a late September day here in Denmark. I had no problems with my knee or any other body parts today so I think I can consider myself as ready as I will be for Sunday October 4th. I just hope I will have my thesis ready so I can go run. Distance: 10.68 km Time: 58m:26s Average speed: 05:28 min/km Average heart rate: 173 bpm URL:


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