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Finally another run

I finally got on my running shoes to go for a run in nature. For the past 4 weeks or so I have been trying to use the gym at work a couple of times a week. I have had good use of the rowing machine and the treadmill but neither can make up for or prepare you to run up and down hills, the wind and so on. Besides running on the treadmill is about the most boring form of exercise I can possibly imagine. Well back to my run yesterday. It was very windy and I thought I would end up with a very poor time but at least the sun was out. I am still trying to get back into shape after a long winter with the flu and various colds. Starting a new job and the arrival of our second son has not made it easy to get the right amount of exercise in. The run went very well and I overall ran faster than I had expected I would. Distance: 5.33 km Time: 00:27:17 Average speed: 05:07 min/km Average heart rate: 180 bpm URL: Well I need to get some stuff ordered so I can get my bike ready to take it out for a ride. Hopefully that will be next weekend but who knows if that will go according to plan.


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