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Running in FiveFingers

So I have finally started getting some runs in in my Vibram FiveFingers KSO Trek. I try running like 3 times a week and I have finally been up to around 4k. Far from what I used to run but for some reason running in them is just more fun. I still get somewhat sore in my calves but I can't wait until my body is ready for a real trail run in the woods near by. Now in my roaming the Internet today I stumbled on Luna Sandals and I think they look so cool. I really want a pair but now my wife basically told me to put down the crack pipe and get back to reality. This one is going to take some convincing.


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The Wife on :

Who says I never read your blog? Run a half marathon in the 5 Fingers THEN we can talk about $80 sandals :)

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